Helping educators & students stay connected during these uncertain times

Tools your entire school can use together, anytime and anywhere

Manage your Classroom

Administer with Confidence

Communicate Your Way

Collaborate Anywhere

Manage All Your Tasks
Google for Education Momentum

#1 selling
device in U.S., Canada, Sweden, New Zealand K–12 schools

All major OEMs
Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, etc.

40 million+
students worldwide are using Chromebooks

120 million+
students and teachers are using G Suite for Education

100 million+
students and teachers are using Google Classroom
Premium Google Meet
Features available for free through September 30

Chrome Education
Upgrade Price Increase delayed to Jan 12, 2021

For educators and IT administrators preparing for potential school closures — or currently facing them — here are a few ways to engage students through distance learning.
Please visit (see Promo Kit) to learn more information